The Sharia Council decided the facilities granted to bank’s employees shall be based on Murabaha contract.

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دوشنبه, 06 آبان 1398 14:34

Issuance of Deposit Bonds

The CBI intends to issue deposit bonds in order to control the growth of liquidity and prevent its inflationary effects.

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The Sharia Council approved the use of the Sharia-compliant redemption agreement instrument in the interbank market.

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یکشنبه, 21 مهر 1398 05:22

Operational Model of Gam Securities

 There is no problem to issue bonds based on a blocked debt document in the form of a sharia or customary guarantee contract.

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انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران و موسسه فقه اقتصادی طیبات به منظور توسعه همکاری های علمی دوجانبه تفاهم نامه همکاری های علمی امضا کردند.

انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران وبینار بین‌المللی با موضوع "ابزا‌ها و نهاد‌های مالی اسلامی در ایران و مالزی " را با همکاری دانشگاه INCEIF و موسسه مالی اسلامی ISRA  مالزی، برگزار کرد.

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The Sharia Council approved the use of the capacity of civil partnership agreements, Murabaha and Gharz al-Hasna for credit in the current account.

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The Sharia Council reviewed the feasibility of calculating income of the facilities granted in the form of partnership agreements.

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The Sharia Council examined the ways of financing leasing companies by banks and credit institutions.

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 The issue of violation of rates of return set for facilities by some banks and credit institutions was reviewed at the 29th session of the Sharia Council. 

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صفحه73 از226