Investment Fund with Two Types of Investment Units
یکشنبه, 11 دی 1401 12:00 seo resolution Special Fund 124
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 The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Investment Fund with Two Types of Investment Units.

The fund has two types of investment units:
a: Revocable normal units
b: Irrevocable and transferable premium units;

Normal units have a certain minimum (bottom) profit and can be revoked. For the mentioned units, the maximum (ceiling) profit is also determined. The minimum and maximum rate of return should have a significant difference according to the economic realities of the fund's activity period.
Premium units are irrevocable and transferable. These types of units bear the risk of compensating the minimum return expected for normal units, and in exchange for accepting the related risk, the excess profit from normal units in proportion to the maximum (ceiling) determined, is given to premium units.

The fund manager must calculate the net value of the assets of both normal and premium units, end of each day:

If the rate of return resulting from the investment of financial resources is lower than a certain minimum rate, the fund manager, on behalf of the owners of the premium units has to pay the difference between the net value of the fund's assets and the minimum value in terms of the said rate, through part of the premium investment units’ net value of the assets to the normal investment units’ net value of the assets.

If the rate of return from the investment of financial resources is higher than a certain maximum rate, the fund manager, on behalf of the owners of normal units has to devote the difference between the net assets value of the fund normal units with the maximum value in terms of the said rate to the net assets value of premium units.

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