جلسه  دفاع از پایان نامه آقای حسین فهیمی دانش پذیر دومین دوره DBA بازار سرمایه اسلامی انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران برگزار می‌گردد.

 The IAIF held the 16th specialized session on the review and critique of the new interest-free banking plan (2) on 27 Aug. 2017.

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The IAIF held the 17th specialized session on the architecture of Islamic government financing; pillars, institutions, instruments and requirements on 17 Oct. 2017.

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شنبه, 07 بهمن 1396 17:30

Speculation in Sharia Perspective

The IAIF held the 18th specialized session on the speculation in Sharia perspective on 28 Jan. 2018.

اطلاعات تکميلي

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دوشنبه, 01 مرداد 1397 12:10

Process of Issuing Islamic Securities in Capital Market

The IAIF held the 20th specialized session on the process of issuing Islamic securities in the capital market on 24 Jul. 2018.

اطلاعات تکميلي

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The IAIF held the 21st specialized session on the need to design coherent guidelines for tomorrow's foreign exchange transactions on 18 Sep. 2018.

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یکشنبه, 20 اسفند 1396 16:33

Corporate Governance Framework in Islamic Banking

The IAIF held the 19th specialized session on corporate governance framework in Islamic banking on 12 Mar. 2018.

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جمعه, 27 مهر 1397 14:54

Risk Sharing and Wealth Redistribution

The IAIF held the 23rd specialized session on risk sharing and wealth redistribution on 20 Nov. 2018.

اطلاعات تکميلي

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دوشنبه, 09 مهر 1397 20:55

Risk Management in Halal Business

The IAIF held the 22nd specialized session on risk management in Halal business on 2 Oct. 2018.

اطلاعات تکميلي

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The IAIF held a specialized session online on requirements for issuing sukuk and bonds on the Chinese blockchain platform on 15 Jan. 2019.

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صفحه76 از226