Resolution of 85th Session of Sharia Council
"Ambiguities in Central Bank's Arbaeen Facilities" were reviewed at the 85th session of the Central Bank of Iran’s Sharia Council.
Futures Transactions in Currency and Gold Coin
‘Jurisprudential analysis of currency and gold coin futures transactions’ was reviewed at 64th and 66th sessions of the CBI’s Sharia Council.
Resolutions of 53rd session of Sharia Council
Calculating the installments of Gharz al-Hasna facilities and the relevant fee was reviewed at the 53rd session of the CBI's Sharia Council.
Resolution of 27th Session of Sharia council
The jurisprudential aspects of the housing deposit assistance facilities were reviewed in the Sharia Council.
Resolutions of 41st Session of Sharia Council
The purchase of Islamic financial bonds by the Central Bank through repo in accordance with sharia without affecting the reserves of the banking network was reviewed.
Resolutions of 42nd,44th and 46th Sessions of Sharia Council
The contract of usable facilities in the facilities granted to brokerage companies active in the capital market was discussed in the Sharia Council.
Resolutions of 43rd and 46th sessions of Sharia Council
Sharia contracts usable in credit line agreements to banks and non-bank credit institutions were approved.
Sharia Council Approves Calculation of Obligation
The sharia Council approved the manner and basis of calculating the amount of the obligation to delay payment of debt
Calculation of Obligation
The Sharia Council of the Central Bank reviewed the way of calculating obligation at its 11th session.
Resolution of Granting Welfare Facilities to Bank Employees
The Sharia Council decided the facilities granted to bank’s employees shall be based on Murabaha contract.
Issuance of Deposit Bonds
The CBI intends to issue deposit bonds in order to control the growth of liquidity and prevent its inflationary effects.
Look at Redemption Agreement through Sharia Lens
The Sharia Council approved the use of the Sharia-compliant redemption agreement instrument in the interbank market.
Operational Model of Gam Securities
There is no problem to issue bonds based on a blocked debt document in the form of a sharia or customary guarantee contract.
Using Capacity of Civil Partnership Agreements, Murabaha and Gharz al-Hasna for Credit in Current Account
The Sharia Council approved the use of the capacity of civil partnership agreements, Murabaha and Gharz al-Hasna for credit in the current account.
Feasibility of Calculating and Identifying Income of Facilities Granted in Form of Partnership Agreement
The Sharia Council reviewed the feasibility of calculating income of the facilities granted in the form of partnership agreements.
Way of Financing Leasing Companies by Banks and Credit Institutions
The Sharia Council examined the ways of financing leasing companies by banks and credit institutions.
Violation of Rates of Return Set for Facilities by some Banks and Credit Institutions
The issue of violation of rates of return set for facilities by some banks and credit institutions was reviewed at the 29th session of the Sharia Council.
Examining Alternative Murabaha contract in Granting Facilities for Purchasing Goods
At the 26th session of the Sharia Council the issue of alternative Murabaha contract in granting facilities for purchasing goods was reviewed.
Way of Granting Facilities to Buyers of Commodities in Iran Mercantile Exchange
At the 30th session of the Sharia Council granting facilities to buyers of commodities in the Mercantile Exchange based on various contracts was examined.
Resolutions of 32nd and 33rd Sessions of CBI’s Sharia Council
The use of E-Wallet in Iran in terms of sharia was examined in the Sharia Council of the Central Bank of Iran.