Ten-year Operational Plan for the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance (National Dimension)
Sunday, 27 October 2019 16:05 1781

Upgrading the Association to a scientific pole in the field of Islamic finance (human resource, publications, articles and books).

Adopting an active media strategy (reflecting the Association news on TV, in print and virtual media, on social networks etc.).

Following a scientific approach and avoiding politicization.

Promoting Islamic financial literacy.

Expanding the member network (real and legal persons)

Having systematic and effective interaction with experts and activists of the Islamic finance, including:

Main elements and activists in the financial system (capital market, money market, insurance market)

Decision-making bodies (Government, Parliament, Guardian Council, Expediency Council etc.)

Universities and scientific and research centers.

Offices of senior clerics.

National and international related associations and organizations.

Experts in the field of Islamic finance.


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