Way of Granting Facilities to Buyers of Commodities in Iran Mercantile Exchange
Sunday, 06 September 2020 04:07 facilities buyers commodities Iran Mercantile Exchange 506
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At the 30th session of the Sharia Council granting facilities to buyers of commodities in the Mercantile Exchange based on various contracts was examined.

The report of the Sharia Council of the Central Bank on the possibility of granting facilities in the form of a civil participating agreement to buyers of raw materials in Salaf form in the Iran Mercantile Exchange Company on 7 Sep. 2020 is as follows:

Granting facilities in the form of a civil participating agreement to the buyers of commodities in the form of Salaf in the Mercantile Exchange is not allowed if it is determined by prior profit. However, it is not prohibited to use the Murabaha contract in such a way that the recipient facility on behalf of the bank purchases in the form of a Salaf contract and buys it on behalf of the bank at the maturity date.

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