مدیر ارشد وب‌سایت

مدیر ارشد وب‌سایت

انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران و موسسه فقه اقتصادی طیبات به منظور توسعه همکاری های علمی دوجانبه تفاهم نامه همکاری های علمی امضا کردند.

انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران وبینار بین‌المللی با موضوع "ابزا‌ها و نهاد‌های مالی اسلامی در ایران و مالزی " را با همکاری دانشگاه INCEIF و موسسه مالی اسلامی ISRA  مالزی، برگزار کرد.

The Sharia Council approved the use of the capacity of civil partnership agreements, Murabaha and Gharz al-Hasna for credit in the current account.
The Sharia Council reviewed the feasibility of calculating income of the facilities granted in the form of partnership agreements.
The Sharia Council examined the ways of financing leasing companies by banks and credit institutions.

 The issue of violation of rates of return set for facilities by some banks and credit institutions was reviewed at the 29th session of the Sharia Council. 

At the 26th session of the Sharia Council the issue of alternative Murabaha contract in granting facilities for purchasing goods was reviewed.

هیئت خدمات مالی اسلامی  اقدام به امضای تفاهم‌نامه همکاری با بانک نیزوا[2] کشور عمان کرد که با هدف تسهیل فرآیند همکاری بین دو نهاد مزبور به امضای طرفین رسید.

A webinar was held on financial instruments and institutions in Iran and Malysia in collaboration with IAIF, ISRA and INCEIF. 
At the 30th session of the Sharia Council granting facilities to buyers of commodities in the Mercantile Exchange based on various contracts was examined.
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