Chairman of Association's Perspective
Monday, 14 October 2019 19:05 IAIF chairman speech Alisalehabadi 616

Dr.Ali Salehabadi,Chairman of the IAIF,made a speech about the purpose of esatblishing the Association.

After passing a few decades from the Islamic Revolution of Iran and establishing the Islamic Republic system in the country, it is expected our country’s financial system to be compatible with the financial system of Islam as much as possible  or at least not in conflict with it. Particularly at present, in the international arena we see that in both Islamic and non-Islamic countries there is a lot of attention to the issue of Islamic finance, including Islamic banking, the Islamic capital market and its special tools, and issues related to Islamic insurance and Takaful; therefore, the need for Islamic financial system is felt more.
In our country various measures have been taken to meet this need, including passing interest-free banking Act, establishing Shariah Committee in the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO), establishing Shariah Council in the Central Bank and so on.
 Although each of these measures has played a significant role in moving towards the Islamic financial system, the truth is that the realization of the Islamic financial system requires comprehensive, deep and accurate research, but it would be impossible to achieve it without efficient research and educational institutions which are links between the executive areas and researchers of this field. Hence, the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance was established in 1394 (2015) with the support of the country’s thinkers in Islamic finance area.
 The main purpose of establishing the Association is to promote the position of the Islamic financial system, to develop specialists quantitatively and qualitatively and to improve educational and research affairs in the field of Islamic finance.
Our ultimate goal in the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance is to approach the economic and financial system considered by pure Islam. I hope we  succeed in this path by relying on Almighty God and the support and perseverance of all researchers, activists and enthusiasts in the field of Islamic finance.

Ali Salehabadi
Chairman of the Association

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