Objectives and Activities
Friday, 16 October 2020 16:18 IAIF objectives activities plan 457
The Iranian Association of Islamic Finance outlines its objectives and activities.

The main purpose of establishing the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance is as follows.
Improving the position of the Islamic financial system (bank, stock exchange, insurance) in both national and international arenas through:
- Expansion, advancement and scientific promotion of Islamic financial literacy
- Development of specialists quantitatively and qualitatively
- Enhancement of educational and research affairs in the field of Islamic finance

Plans and Activities:
To achieve its objectives, the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance pursues the following plans:
- Holding free-thinking and theorizing chairs in the form of monthly specialized meetings.
- Holding Islamic finance conferences annually.
- Holding Islamic finance courses in MBA and DBA at domestic and international levels in cooperation with INCEIF University of Malaysia and the Educational Research Institute affiliated to the Islamic Development Bank with providing valid certificates
- Implementing research projects at national and international levels through employing the maximum capacity of experts in the Islamic finance area (capital market, money market, insurance industry and other related areas)
- Collaborating with executive, scientific and research institutions in the field of evaluation, review and implementation of plans and programs related to education and research in the area of Islamic finance
- Creating a comprehensive database from Islamic finance resources on the Association’s website
- Creating a database of Islamic finance theses
- Communicating with international associations and setting up a scientific network at global level
- Supporting Islamic finance books publication
- Publishing scientific research quarterlies and authentic scientific journals.
- Directing papers and theses to meet the society’s needs by presenting research topics needed by society in the area of Islamic finance.
- Creating opportunities for students and professors to cooperate with each other in Islamic finance area
- Encouraging researchers and honoring distinguished researchers and professors

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