IAIF to Hold DBA Course
Monday, 03 October 2022 13:15 DBA Iranian association of Islamic finance islamic capital market 287
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 The Iranian Association of Islamic Finance holds DBA course in the Islamic capital market to train professional workforce in various Islamic financial institutions.

Considering the key role of the financial market in the country's economic system and the centrality of the holy sharia in designing and establishing financial instruments and structures, training managers and experts who, in addition to mastering the updated topics, are fully acquainted with the jurisprudential principles related to this field, is one of the essential priorities for the development of the country's financial market.
In order to fulfill its key mission, the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance in cooperation with Imam Sadiq University, the Securities and Exchange Organization, REDmoney Malaysia, Iran Financial Center and Gharz al-Hasna Resalat Bank designs and holds the DBA course in the Islamic capital market to develop Islamic financial literacy.
The structure and syllabuses of the course are designed to meet the growing needs of the country's capital market and train specialized, efficient and familiar human resources regarding the current issues of this area.
This course is highly recommended to managers and experts of financial institutions, those who are active in the capital market, banks and insurance companies and other financial market practitioners.
The objective of this course is to improve the level of knowledge and ability of managers and experts active in the country's financial markets to play an effective role in the economy by emphasizing the empowerment of graduates in designing, implementing and deploying tools, institutions and other financial structures within the framework of shariah principles.
Terms of participation in the course:
Having at least an MA in related fields from prestigious universities and educational institutions or an MBA degree in the capital market
Having at least three- year work experience related to financial markets or banking
Passing the entrance exam and specialized interview

Basics of Islamic capital market
Monetary and financial economy (Advanced)
Quantitative methods (Advanced)
Capital market analysis regulations
Islamic capital market (Advanced)
Financial engineering and risk management (Advanced)
Analysis of financial statements (Advanced)
Research method in Islamic finance
Seminar on Islamic capital market

Course duration: three semesters: two nine-credit semesters and one dissertation and conference semester, a total of 24 credits.

Distinctive features of the course:
Awarding the DBA professional certificate in the Islamic capital market, approved by the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance, Imam Sadiq University, the Securities and Exchange Organization and the REDmoney Institute, Malaysia.
Holding the course physically and virtually.

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