The First Islamic Finance Conference
Wednesday, 30 October 2019 11:43 2174

To achieve its goals and establish the position of Islamic finance and the role and the function of it in Iran’s economic development the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance held the first ‘Islamic Finance Conference’ on December 27, 2015 at the University of Al-Zahra in cooperation with academic centers, seminaries, banks, insurance companies and the country’s pillars of the capital market.

At the conference researchers presented their latest achievements in the field of Islamic finance in terms of banking, insurance and stock exchange. Furthermore, Iranian top economic authorities made a speech.

The First Conference’s themes:

1- Development opportunities of Islamic financial instruments in the money, capital and insurance markets.

2- The position of providing Islamic finance in the money, capital and insurance markets

3- The role of Islamic financial instruments in export development


Dr. Esmat Pasha,Prof. of Islamic Finance, INCEIF University of Malaysia, whose lecture clip about ‘Financing Development Infrastructures without Leverage by Risk Sharing Method Based on Creative Structures of Sukuk’ was played. Moreover, a panel on the Degree of Iranian Financial Markets’ Adaptation was held. 

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