Architecture of Islamic Government Financing; Pillars, Institutions, Instruments and Requirements
Monday, 16 October 2017 15:53 Islamic government financing instruments requirements 585
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The IAIF held the 17th specialized session on the architecture of Islamic government financing; pillars, institutions, instruments and requirements on 17 Oct. 2017.

Dr. Majid Karimi, an expert of the Securities and Exchange Organization and a member of the Research Committee of the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance, said where to issue securities, how to manage government debt and how to manage government assets are the important issues of government financing.

Currently, there is the use of Islamic treasury bonds and sukuk in the country, which requires its own considerations. We have now come to the conclusion that the treasury bonds can be used as a legal instrument for financing the government in the short term in the form of Sharia and jurisprudence, and the contractors can be settled in this way. This is a commitment that the government must abide by.

The six main topics about government financing are: 1- Government institution; Limits and activities of its activity 2- Government financial flow structure accumulator (government budget and balance sheet) 3- Panzi game: Structural budget deficit and debt accumulation 4- Macroeconomic consequences of government debts and financial obligations 5- Organizational and institutional structure for management Obligations and financing of the government 6. The method of financing the government based on economic, legal and sharia considerations.

Salmani stated that the general government includes all non-market activities, noting that public companies are divided into two groups, financial and non-financial, and public financial companies go through two paths of deposit or non-deposit.

He went on to say that examples of public depositary companies are state-owned banks and the central bank, and examples of non-depositary companies include government and central insurance companies.

General government is also defined in three levels: central government, state government and local government. If we compare these three levels with the internal situation of the country, the central government can be considered as a total of ministries located in Tehran, the state government can be attributed to governors ‘office and local government to municipalities.

In general, the financial structure of an economic unit can be considered as two sets: flow structure and accumulator structure. In the flow structure, materials such as the government budget (in companies, profit and loss statement) are examined and in the accumulator structure, items such as the balance sheet are dealt with.

He stressed the government has a duty to prepare the infrastructure for the private sector and if it avoids providing the infrastructure, the possibility of growth and activity will be taken away from the private sector, so the government should play its supportive role mainly in the form of development budgets related to Government development activities to address the government's need to organize financing and debt management.

Dr. Karimi addressed economic theories related to government debt management, saying If the economic growth rate exceeds the population growth rate and interest rates then the economy is in balance and stable, otherwise it means the beginning of a crisis for the economy, especially if the interest rate exceeds the economic growth rate. This point is considered as a basic principle in Islamic economics and finance.

A major issue in developed countries, and sometimes in developing countries and emerging economies, is the concept of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury. In these countries, the Ministry of Finance and Treasury is usually located next to the Ministry of Economy and it is an independent ministry. Among the duties of the Ministry of Finance in the world is to manage government obligations and debts, budget planning and financial policy, monitoring and supervising all government ministries and organizations in terms of financial processes and meeting their financial needs, and collecting taxes and customs tariffs.

Dr. Karimi said there are some considerations of government financing such as lack of coordination and compatibility between the rate of return on government bonds and private sector investment options, the need for Islamic securities issued by the government and so on.

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