تیم پشتیبانی

تیم پشتیبانی

The 10th professional session of the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance was on the  "Analysis of Islamic Accounting Perspective in Iran and the World.

The Iranian Association of Islamic Finance (IAIF) was established in 2015 to expand and promote the Islamic financial literacy and develop experts qualitatively and improve educational and research activities in the area of Islamic finance.

To achieve the foregoing objectives, the IAIF will pursue the following measures:

-Conducting scientific and cultural researches at a national and international level with researchers and experts working on Islamic finance area, including capital market, money market, and the insurance industry and dealing with other related fields.

- Cooperating with executive, scientific, and research institutes in the area of evaluation, review and launching projects and plans regarding the educational and research activities in which the association is active.

- Encouraging researchers and honoring premier professors.

- Offering educational, research, and technical services.

- Convening national,regional and international conferences.

- Publishing books and scientific journals.

-Holding MBA and DBA courses in Islamic capital market and Islamic banking .

-Holding specialized Islamic finance meetings in banking, capital market and insurance fields monthly.

-Creating a comprehensive scientific-news database in the field of Islamic finance.

The 12th professional session of the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance was on the " analysis of international sukuk market and Financing models.

 SEO held the 9th International Course on Islamic Capital Markets (ICM) in cooperation with IAIF.

The Securities and Exchange Organization held the 10th International Forum on Islamic Capital Markets in Tehran.

راهنمای ثبت‌نام اعضای حقیقی

 بیست و دومین نشست تخصصی انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران با همکاری انجمن مهندسی مالی ایران و انجمن حسابداری مدیریت ایران با سخنرانی دکتر فریدون رهنما...

نایب رییس کمیته فقهی سازمان بورس و اوراق بهادار و عضو هیئت مدیره انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران، آخرین مصوبات کمیته فقهی این سازمان را تشریح کرد.

بر اساس اعلام روابط عمومی انجمن مالی اسلامی ایران ،اساتید ترم دوم نخستین دوره DBA بازار سرمایه اسلامی اعلام شد و به شرح زیر مشخص گردید.

کارگاه هم اندیشی «فناوری‌های مالی، مقررات مالی و مالی اسلامی» در بحرین برگزار خواهد شد.

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