IAIF Holds 4th Pre-session of its 10th Annual Conference
The Iranian Association of Islamic Finance held the fourth pre-session of its 10th annual conference on the 6th of January.
SEO Holds 16th Int. Conference on ICM
The SEO in cooperation with the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance held the 16th Int. conference on ICM.
SEO’s Resolution On Salam Sale
The Shariah Committee of the SEO passed a resolution on development of financial instruments based on intangible assets in the Iran Mercantile Exchange.
Islamic treasury Bills
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Islamic treasury Bills.
Salaf Bonds
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Salam Bonds.
Musharakah Bonds
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Musharakah Bonds.
Mudaraba Bonds
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Mudaraba Bonds.
Murabaha Bonds
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Murahaba Bonds.
Ijarah Bonds
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Ijarah Bonds.
Manfaat Bonds
The Shariah Committee of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO) released its view on Manfaat Bonds.